my sixth house of habit
I took a hiatus after xmas to cleanse myself of 2024 which was full of conflicting thoughts of how to maintain my busy life. It seems unsustainable to spend each morning meandering aimlessly for two hours, stomach empty but the tea or coffee. But ive been doing it for years. Once I became an entrepreneur six years ago, the first thing I changed was how fast I head to work. The second thing I changed was the hours I worked. The last thing to change was my mind about it. Today it struck me this business tore me from my spiritual practice and catapulted me back into capitalistic mindset which is a big HELL NO for me.
My mornings are pertinent to my survival.
The reality of ambition is only a percentage of it gets realized; the rest remains a daydream. And i used to derive so much joy simply from dreaming. Realizing i had the power to materialize my goals spurred more. And an overwhelm followed. So i either cut my contemplative time short or I raged against myself and I developed a lethargy, frozen, a real 7 of cups in both illusions and number of choices.
My Neptune is in capricorn in the 6th house. I have been blinded by fantasy on how my life works. I have never seen so clearly until a recent spiritual ceremony with friends that its not my plate thats my issue, but my understanding of my self. My brain is an idea churner and craves organization. In true Earth sign mentality, I then did this.
I spent time using my sketchbook and marked down every single chore I have including bigger jobs like redoing the backyard, general goals for all my businesses, some creative writing goals, a basic food schedule to attempt to follow, a self care checklist, a realistic yoga schedule, and my spiritual musings interspersed throughout the book. It reads like a journal but with lists. Incidentally, this is a workbook I am creating for each zodiac to teach others how I work with the changing tides and my own house placements. It was another aha moment of pursuit and capability.
Reverence for self starts with respecting your own time, drawing boundaries around yourself, and saying no to a day before it's over. It is of utmost importance to fill yourself creatively and save some juice for your hobbies or artistic pursuits. Hustle and grind culture is a purposeful tool used to distract us from the atrocities the government has committed. They are using us like bots for labor. They depend on your dreams being squandered to plump their corporations.
Morning meditation is an act of personal health. Elongating that morning by three or so hours is an act of personal revolt.
We are in a deep change of apocalyptic proportions. It is our civic duty to create as fast and as vividly possible in order to survive as an autonomous species. Work weeks aren't designed to make you feel full or nourished, they are designed to deplete. It is possible to construct your own definition of success without the input of others. Survival isn't the name of the game. It's to bring your most imaginative and expansive dreams into existence. Using your own astrological power, recognizing limitations and strategizing ways to improve based on all aspects of yourself including the mystical side can churn power like I have never discovered. Here is a beginning exercise to help you begin a practice that utilizes chart placement:
1. What season is this and where is that season (Capricorn) in my chart?
2. Any planets? Any astro points or constellations (Chiron)?
3. Where is the upcoming full moon placed (Cancer) and where is that in my chart?
Learn as much detail as you can about those three things and see how it relates to your life currently. Come up with a few affirmations or goals from there. My January goals are as followed based on my sixth house and Neptune:
1. A routine that supports mental health:neurodivergence
2. A routine that supports my physical health.
3. Redeveloping my daily spiritual practice while still managing a workload.
Writing is not work for me. Its my spiritual time. I need a daily routine that allows me my contemptlative walks and tarot. My private eyes before the world invades againx
4. Three to four friend social interactions a week.
I am capable of a lot but I need to take my time. Today I wrote out my goals to work with my 7 of cups energy. So many needs. I can fill them all.
